LARBSMy version of Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts Caleb Noelke23 months
addmailaccA script to automate creating new accounts on a mail server configured by the em...Caleb Noelke24 months
audripAutomatically download the user's entire audible library and converts it to mp3 Caleb Noelke3 years
dmenuMy build of dmenu used in LARBS Caleb Noelke23 months
dwmMy build of dwm used in LARBS Caleb Noelke15 months
dwmblocksMy build of dwmblocks used in LARBS Caleb Noelke15 months
pywalPywal but with 16 colors Caleb Noelke3 years
pywal-16-colors-gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Caleb Noelke3 years
stMy build of st used in LARBS Caleb Noelke15 months
voidriceMy dotfiles (deployed by LARBS) Caleb Noelke8 weeks