AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-08mergeHEADmasterCaleb Noelke
2023-11-04Update dmenurecord (#1370)Dominik
2023-10-29Update sb-music (#1367)Joey-Pepperoni
2023-10-28Merge branch 'master' of github.com:LukeSmithxyz/voidriceLuke Smith
2023-10-28fix #1366Luke Smith
2023-10-27Launch dwm in a dbus session (#1340)Lalle
2023-10-27Update sb-mailbox in statusbar on closing neomutt (#1329)appeasementPolitik
2023-10-27none of the encrypted devices are listed if no drives are decrypted already (...poeplva
2023-10-27Unpack Function for LF Without Aunpack (#1334)Emre AKYÜZ
2023-10-27Add xdg-terminal-exec script to launch "$TERMINAL" for .desktop files (#1302)Dawid Potocki
2023-10-04Change remaining tremc entry in script to stig (#1364)appeasementPolitik
2023-09-05Timeout added to forecast module, ncmpcpp now tracks player state (#1359)sban
2023-09-03Fixed Booksplit for termux (#1358)Hylke Hellinga
2023-08-25Fix the extra space between sb-internet and the block on the right of sb-inte...appeasementPolitik
2023-08-25Fix wrong font name (#1353)Alessio Artoni
2023-08-23Merge branch 'master' of github.com:LukeSmithxyz/voidriceLuke Smith
2023-08-23libertinus replaces libertineLuke Smith
2023-08-18Fix arkenfox pacman hook complaining about root (#1351)appeasementPolitik
2023-08-16added webp to image formats in linkhandler (#1347)Simon Nikolai Varøy
2023-08-16sb-internet: replace grep/sed commands for more efficiency (#1349)appeasementPolitik
2023-08-16Give setbg parameter to make notifications silent (#1350)appeasementPolitik
2023-07-23djvu files cannot be previewed (#1335)poeplva
2023-07-23Add jsonl to lf (#1345)Lalle
2023-07-23Fixed formatting bug with notify-send (#1344)Gunnar K. Halvorsen
2023-07-15nsxiv replaces unmaintained sxivLuke Smith
2023-05-27Revert "application/octet-stream is for arbitrary binary files (#1321)" (#1336)Luke Smith
2023-05-26Make sure sb-volume module is updated when closed after opening (#1316)appeasementPolitik
2023-05-26application/octet-stream is for arbitrary binary files (#1321)poeplva
2023-05-26bulkrename using built-ins instead of using a completely separate program (#1...Mahdi Nayef
2023-05-25Re-add whitespace to some buffer types as needed. (#1333)Spenser Truex
2023-05-24Fix rename key bindings in lf (#1331)Mahdi Nayef
2023-05-11Don't wrap horizontally on short terminal (#1325)appeasementPolitik
2023-05-02change requested by lf-git after update. (#1319)pony-montana
2023-05-01dwmblocks update on song change (#1318)Austen
2023-04-20Merge branch 'master' of github.com:LukeSmithxyz/voidriceLuke Smith
2023-04-20sb-price improvementsLuke Smith
2023-04-20use built-ins, close #1297Luke Smith
2023-04-20Change LibreOffice binaries to libreoffice (#1294)anggatd
2023-04-12fix shellcheck (#1301)snailed
2023-04-12Set GOMODCACHE to comply with XDG (#1299)Mathieu Rollet
2023-04-03dmenuunicode: don't use variables in the printf format string (#1284)RealAestan
2023-03-31efficiency and fail tweaksLuke Smith
2023-03-24Merge branch 'LalleSX-patch-1'Luke Smith
2023-03-24fix nameLuke Smith
2023-03-24Added Larbs commits RSSLalle
2023-03-23check scripts to avoid rerunning remapdLuke Smith
2023-03-20Merge branch 'master' of github.com:LukeSmithxyz/voidriceLuke Smith
2023-03-20customizable wttr/rate urls, sb-price improvementsLuke Smith
2023-03-20Added video.desktop file. (#1288)Axel
2023-03-07Merge branch 'master' of sheriffmediocre.xyz:/var/www/git/voidriceCaleb Noelke